Detect EC2 instances without SSM enabled

So you have a fleet of EC2 instances running, and you need to patch them with SSM. You deploy the patches, but somehow, you missed some instances. It turns out that the SSM agent is not running on all your EC2 instances. This could be a disaster.

There is no direct way to find which EC2 instance is missing an agent. I created a little Python script that I wrapped in a Lambda function that will run on any cron schedule you define. If it detects any missing SSM agents, it will send you an alert via your Slack channel. The entire solution is is wrapped in a CloudFormation template that you can easily deploy.

You will be presented with the parameters screen.


Click Next, click Next again. Right at the bottom, make sure to select the checkbox against the I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources option. The template will need this permission, as it will be creating a role for the Lambda function to retrieve the EC2 and SSM data. Click on “Create Stack” to create the stack.

And that’s it! Provided the Slack webhook is setup correctly, you will receive a Slack alert like this one.
